This timeline is part of an ongoing project that will be updated.


The British Broadcasting System (BBC) becomes the worlds’ first national broadcaster.  The BBC will play a critical role in journalism and news gathering throughout the world over the next one hundred years. The network’s standard of professionalism and objectivity will be emulated by countless radio, print and TV broadcasters and reporters.

© Science Museum


Aimee Semple McPherson bought her own radio station, KFSG, and became the most publicized Christian Evangelist


CBS radio station begins broadcasting Father Charles Coughlin, who eventually devolves into what many say is the first American conspiracy theorist to use modern mass communication. The popular Roman Catholic priest reaches tens of millions of Americans each week (some estimates are up to 30 million listeners) with his broadcasts throughout the 1930s.  Coughlin began as a champion of the working man, but transformed throughout the decade, becoming a notorious hater of Jews and critic of President Roosevelt as well as a supporter of some of Mussolini and Hitler’s fascist policies.  He was taken off the air in 1939.


America's Town Meeting of The Air was broadcasted once a week, live from New York City's Town Hall. It featured panel discussions from the biggest newsmakers and was one of the first radio shows to allow audience participation. Their very first topic for the show was: "Which Way America: Fascism, Communism, Socialism or Democracy?”


Franklin D. Roosevelt became the 1st president to appear on TV at the opening session of the New York World’s Fair.

© The New York Times


Edward R. Murrows reports on the German bombings of London, transmitting from the rooftops. Murrows is among the first journalists to incorporate ambient sound in his broadcasts as the bombs fall around him, "allowing listeners to hear the news happening."


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